A message from Gary's hero ...

GCP Festival Begins
Gary C. Pasquarell's birthday falls on the 29th of this month, never to rise again. Porque de tal manera amo' Dios al mundo que ha dado a su hijo unigenito para que todo aquel que en El cree no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. Pero todos los empleados todavia deben lavarse las manos completamente antes de regresar a trabajar.  No me acuerdo cuando que hecho tanta lluvia! Adios!
Vintage Calendar, from the dawn of this site ...

Month Nears All-time Record Length

This is one of the longest Junes in human history.  We will have expended a full 30 days before moving directly into the next scheduled month, July.
  • Calendars can be fun
  • Calendars were invented by the Sumerians
  • Calendar watches were invented by the Swiss
  • The sand calendar was invented by the Egyptians (They had tons of sand.)
  • Calendar girls were invented by, um, ...

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